Friday, September 10, 2010

"Double Rainbow" and "Bed Intruder Song": The Gregory Brothers and Auto-tune

"You are so dumb, home, home, homeboy" says Antoine Dodson

Okay fine, I give in. Theses songs are totally catchy and I totally admit that I can't stop watching/listening to them. I might even download them.

So, according to the New York Times, the "Bed Intruder Song" has made it to the 39th spot on itunes as well as number 89 on the Billboard chats. The Gregory Brothers have split the proceeds of the song with "unintentional singer" Antoine Dodson who is using his money to move his family out of the projects. That might be the best part about this story.

So if you've not seen this yet, watch it. If you've watched it a million times, here it is again: "Bed Intruder Song"

I'm a little late to the game with this one, but this is "Double Rainbow" inspired by this video of a guy freaking out over a double rainbow in Yosemite. It's intense.

I'm finding that you need to have a certain sense of humor to really appreciate the ridiculous awesomeness that is auto-tuning. Musicians, like Ke$ha (article soon to come), have instead of using it to "fix" pitch and instead use it in the open to create pitch.

Love it or hate it, you have to admit that when use right, it's absolutely hysterical.


Jonahldinho said...

Without Auto-tune, we wouldn't have "I'm on a Boat," either. Or T-Pain. Or Akon.

Apropos of nothing, check out the guy's Dick Tracy shirt at the end of the Double Rainbow song. I HAD that shirt!

Pete & Esme said...

I've been trying to coin a new genre for this. Meme rock? Meme soul? Something like that...

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